Today our annual survey is officially over. The resurvey process consists of two or more surveyors returning to check corrected or changed items. We as administrators never quite agree with survey findings so we battle between the team leader and administrator and come to some sense of agreement. Then we both laugh and agree to the resurvey process. Anyway today it was officially over and I am very glad. Now I can move on to a couple of other tasks that must be completed. Applying for license renewal and completing new Medical Director Agreement. This job has over the years grown into a big "bear". But we all do what we must do.
I must admit I love the frail elderly population it is just all of the rules and regulations and the other stuff that wears one out. Well this week marks the end of my class at Capella and I am happy. However, there are many things that I must get done. Of course some are things that I am not able to share here as they involve other family members and well I had better be cool.
Well off to my big corporate meeting tomorrow and trying to adjust to daylight saving time. I am tired and sleepy now 12:06 a.m. This has got to get better. Usually I am in bed fast asleep by this time but with the changes well anyway here I sit.
Good night for now. See you soon!
The life and times of Connie Sue. My travel and day to day life adventures. Follow me as I introduce you to the food, music, and people of the Bahamas!