Sometimes we get too busy for what we really love to do and spend time doing what we must do. I have made a decision to schedule and get to some of the things I love doing while also doing what I must. Hence, the title of this post. I love the Ocean and Beach Life. Why shouldn't I be able to enjoy these things and be able to perform my other many roles, employee,mother,Nana, church member, sister, friend, student, role model, woman,you get the picture.
Currently, I am reading; Conversations with Myself (Nelson Mandela) with foreword by President Barack Obama and Fantastic (The life of Arnold Schwarzenegger) by Laurence Leamer. I like to read almost opposing books at the same time to keep my sensitivity and knowledge fresh and diverse. I find myself all over the place sometime in dealing with politics and racial issues. Of course in today's world there are so many choices, battles, views, challenges, and technologies to embrace. One of my habits that I really like is that I purchase books when I see something I am interested in. I gave up always trying to read the top ten lists while they were hot off the press. I do like being able to converse with others on current topics, etc. But I found myself missing some other books that helped me at that particular time. So I usually purchase these books, read the forewards and introductions and place them on my bookshelf and when the mood or need or desire arise I read the entire book.
Facebook has become one of my favorite pasttimes. I feel it keeps me current with friends and acquaintances and whatever the latest craze might be. Anyway I am starting over with the blogging thing and will use these avenue to jot down and share thoughts. Twitter and Linkedin are also avenues I use to keep in touch with the business and book world. Well I feel this was a good start to my renewal blogging. I know feel refreshed. Love Ya!